
Chapter One :Chapter 1

The Clearwater Hibiscus Nightclub, a name rather elegant. Yet, the atmosphere inside barely agreed with such grace.

Being a nightclub, it would naturally attract all sorts of individuals, a chaotic mix of fishes and dragons, making a serene environment like the clear water hibiscus' impossible. Hence, the atmosphere here reeked of smoke and pandemonium.

It was a favored haunt for hedonistic college students, bored office workers, or tattooed young adults of society.

Of course, such a place would not lack reckless spendthrifts. Those people were the true gods in here.

It was another wild night— neon lights blinked as usual, heavy metal music roared crazily, seemingly venting everyone's suppressed feelings.

A young man, seeming but a 25 or 26-year-old, decked in a white short-sleeved shirt and jeans, weaved through the dance floor with a glass of drink. It would seem as if he was stumbling around; however, it was peculiar that the drink in his glass remained still, with no signs of sloshing about.

The youth approached a "beauty" he fancied, but coincidentally, this "beauty" turned around. This sudden shift startled him, making him trip almost forward. He spilled a significant amount of drink from his glass, and dejectedly mumbled, "A flower from a distance, but a scare up close!"

Upon uttering these words, he turned to leave but caught sight of another beauty resembling 'Sister Qiuxiang'.

She was indescribably beautiful — lustrous black hair cascading over her shoulder, a tight-fitted dress accentuating her perfect curves. She looked soft and nice, but, unlike 'Sister Qiuxiang', she held a wine goblet in one hand and a cigarette in the other, drinking and smoking in turns, defying the gentle persona.

"Hmm, a spicy Qiuxiang, I like." Bhudda Jiang put on a smile, walked over with his drink, and naturally attempted to place his right arm around her waist.

But just at this moment, she glanced at Jiang’s intrusion out of the corner of her eye, and instinctively moved her cigarette-holding right hand to her waist.

"Beau..." Jiang hadn't finished his words when he felt a piercing pain in his palm. However, he swallowed the pain, putting on a smile uglier than a cry, and offered, "How about a drink, beautiful?"

"Why not!" the spicy Qiuxiang accepted without refusal, taking the half-filled glass from Jiang’s hand and gulping it down.

Upon witnessing this, Jiang found himself at a loss, but he quickly recovered, laughed awkwardly, and commented, "You sure can hold your liquor, beauty."

This woman wasn't the shy and innocent type, but rather an experienced and fully matured one, precisely Jiang's favorite.

"Are you an employee here?" That spicy, autumnal woman stared at the name tag on Jiang Shan's chest for a moment, exuding an air of regal aloofness. Indeed, she was extraordinarily charismatic.

Seeing a chance to impress, Jiang Shan immediately responded with a grin, "That's right, if there's anything you need, just ask. It's all on me, including any special services you can or cannot think of."

"Well then, don't come to work tomorrow." The woman's face turned cold as she said this in a frosty tone.

"What? You're asking me not to come in to work, is this a mistake?" Jiang Shan immediately had a bad feeling, especially since he noticed Manager Wang walking over with an extremely respectful expression.

Normally, Manager Wang was quite an arrogant person and didn't pay much attention to newcomers like him. The fact that he was being so respectful now could only mean that his respect was directed at this icy, autumn-like woman.

"Who is she?" Jiang Shan frowned in confusion.

"Miss Shuiqing, the items you requested are ready." Manager Wang said to the woman with utmost respect.

"Hmm," The woman hummed in acknowledgment, then glanced at Jiang Shan and said, "You can fire him. He is not suitable for this job."

"Understood, I will handle it immediately." Without any hesitation, Manager Wang turned to Jiang Shan and said, "You don't need to come in tomorrow."

"Wait!" Jiang Shan certainly didn't want to be dismissed in such an inexplicable way, "What did I do wrong? Why fire me so abruptly?"

Manager Wang gave a cold smile, "What did you do wrong? You have some nerve, even daring to flirt with the boss. If we're not firing you, then who should we?"

Jiang Shan was momentarily speechless, but a flash of understanding sparked in his eyes. He thought to himself, "It’s her, I finally located her.”

But aloud, he quickly cried out, "I've been wronged! I didn't know she was the boss!"

He had put in so much effort to find her, there was no way he would give up so easily. If he missed this chance, there might not be another opportunity to get close to her in the future.

"Hmph, even if you didn't know that Miss Shuiqing is the boss, flirting with customers during work hours is grounds for dismissal." Manager Wang said righteously, putting on the persona of a strict, by-the-book manager.

Afterwards, Jiang Shan, with his silver tongue, used every rhetorical strategy and heartfelt plea, begged unceasingly for a whole half-hour until his throat was parched and almost on fire.

However, all of his efforts were met only with a single sentence from Manager Wang, "No matter how many reasons or excuses you have, there's no room for negotiation on this matter."

"He must still hold a grudge against me for ruining his plans yesterday, biding his time to kick me out today," Jiang Shan thought darkly, his mind running at full speed considering countermeasures.

"What are you all still doing here? Don't mind him, from now on he's no longer an employee here, he's a customer. Everyone, get back to work," La Qiuxiang said with an indifferent expression. Although her voice was calm, it carried an irresistible authority.

La Qiuxiang, whose real name was Xu Shuiqing, was the owner of the Clear Water Hibiscus Club. In Wu Shan city where all sorts of people mingled, it took a great deal of tact and shrewdness for a woman to run a nightclub and keep everything in perfect order.

Not to mention, Xu Shuiqing herself was an incredibly charismatic and powerful person, causing all the employees to respect her like a goddess, nearly reaching universal admiration from both genders.

Upon hearing her words, the security guards immediately dispersed.

Just at that moment, "bang!" - the sound of a wine glass hitting the floor was followed by an extremely arrogant voice, "What kind of booze is this? It's atrocious."

As Xu Shuiqing, who was preparing to leave, heard this voice, she immediately stopped in her tracks, spun around to see two hulking men cursing up a storm.

Behind these two burly men was a pack of five or six pompous and overbearing young punks.

Manager Wang, upon seeing the situation, gave a look to one of the security guards. As the guard approached, he started, “I'm really sorry, but the wine here is genuine, there absolutely can't be any issues, if..."

However, he was never able to finish his sentence as he was suddenly sent flying by one of the brutes, crashing into two tables with a loud "bang!"

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